Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We will be out the next few days for the holiday, but don't worry: on Monday we'll be back and better (or at least bigger) than ever!:)  Wishing everyone a happy Thanksgiving.  Cheers -- SIU Tech Transfer Team, aka Jeff and Amy

Friday, November 16, 2012

Robotics Team Reaches For Ping-Pong Prize


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via The Daily Egyptian by aflynn on 11/15/12

Some robots are built for exploration, some for entertainment and others for power. For an engineering Registered Student Organization on campus, however, one robot was built for redemption. After a year break from competition, the Association of Technology, Management and Applied Engineering RSO is determined to make a name for itself as well as the [...]


Things you can do from here:


Friday, November 2, 2012

First Tuesday Tech Tran Coffee Talk next week

We welcome you to join us at the First Tuesday Tech Tran Coffee Talk on November 6, 9:30-11:00 a.m., at the Student Center McDonald's. We can rehash the Tech Expo and the Saluki Idea Competition, answer your questions about patents, innovation and start-ups, or provide opposing views on who will win Tuesday's election.;) Hope to see you!

Jeff & Amy
SIU Carbondale Technology Transfer Program