Friday, October 26, 2012

FW: Sustainable Living Fair SATURDAY! Want a ride?

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From: Kris Schachel <>
Date: Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 3:15 PM
Subject: Sustainable Living Fair SATURDAY! Want a ride?

Hello, Friends in Sustainability!  =)
This Saturday is the 3rd Sustainable Living Expo at Dixon Springs Ag Center.
Billed as "A Country Boy Can Survive" meets "The Victory Garden" and everything in between, this remarkable event features workshop tracks highlighting
  • Locally-Grown Foods - Basic gardening, best practices, organics, beekeeping, cooking demos, food preservation, mushroom cultivation, small-scale livestock, raising chickens, vermicomposting, and building a local food system to feed our region
  • Energy - Home energy efficiency, conservation and renewable alternatives, solar ovens, geothermal, and weatherization; from cost-saving light bulbs to zero net energy homes.
  • Conservation - Backyard landscaping, mushroom hunting, managing woodlands for wildlife, prescribed burning, water quality, invasive weeds, pond management, and incentives and more. Leaving the land better than you found it.
To help those who want to attend this but don't have transportation (it's about an hour's drive southeast), I've arranged for a campus van.  IT WILL LEAVE FROM THE MAIN DOOR OF THE STUDENT CENTER AT 8 A.M. SATURDAY, AND RETURN APPROXIMATELY 5:00 P.M.
Please email if you would like a ride.
There is opportunity to earn volunteer credit as well. An electronics recycling collection is part of the Expo for the first time this year, and the organizers need help with this and other tasks.  Hopefully you're all aware you can earn the Environmental Ambassador Award by completing 30 hours of qualifying service! 
One last note: ADMISSION IS FREE - but bring along spending money if you've got any because they'll have some yummy food vendors and also a really super fantastic Artisan Tent, with the artists all actively working on their respective creations!
* * * * * * *
In other happenings...
Green Walls and Living Architecture of Vertical Gardens Technology LLC - Laurent Corradi
Students will be installing a green wall with the assistance of physical plant services and two professionals from New York starting Thursday Oct 26, working until Monday Oct 29 (not over the weekend) in the College of Agriculture Building in the south wing (by the Plant and Soil Science office). Please feel free to stop by to view this exciting project. If you don't know what a green wall is.. check out   This is Laurent Corradi's website of his business.

Mon, Oct 29, 6-8 pm lecture in the Morris Library Guyon Auditorium.  Reception will follow.
Sustainable Saluki Pledge

I pledge to join SIU Carbondale's sustainability efforts by developing personal habits that foster social, economic, and environmental health. I choose to use the knowledge and experience I gain at SIU to improve sustainability in the communities where I live, learn, and work.

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