Thursday, January 24, 2013

On the SIUE campus today

Via SIU Edwardsville News:

SIUE IP Specialist

17 January 2013, 8:22 am
by Susan Morgan
Intellectual property (IP) is the result of our creative work at SIUE. It encompasses the variety of things we produce—manuscripts, compositions, inventions, research discoveries, etc. Technology transfer is the process of moving our IP into the public and commercial sector for the good of society, which can include publications, direct commercialization, and patent licensing.
I am pleased to announce that Ms. Amy McMorrow Hunter is now assisting the Office of Research and Projects with IP matters.  Amy is currently a Technology Transfer Specialist at SIUC and will be working with SIUE part-time as part of a collaborative initiative with SIUC.  She brings us 4 years of academic IP experience.  She will be available to assist faculty, staff, and students with all things IP – answering IP questions, assisting with invention disclosures, overseeing invention evaluations, assisting with the patenting process, and marketing of patents.  You may contact her directly at
Amy will be conducting IP workshops as well as sending out information on IP issues. Look for future announcements in The SIUE Researcher.

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